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Doug Stauffer is an evangelist and internationally recognized authority in the field of Bible history, apologetics and prophecy. He is a prolific author, having written over a dozen books along with many writings published in Christian periodicals. He has earned three Bible degrees including a PhD in Religion. Because of his biblical expertise, Oxford University Press commissioned Dr. Stauffer to work as a contributing and consulting editor. Along with being a frequent guest speaker on radio and television, he has served for ten years in pastoral ministries and logged thousands of hours teaching through the church and at the college level. While attending Bible college, Dr. Stauffer passed the CPA exam and went on to enjoy a successful career in the management of several companies. In 1995, he left his position as CFO of a multi-million-dollar corporation in order to dedicate himself more fully to the ministry. Since that time, he has earned a Th.M. in Theology and a PhD in Religion from International Baptist Seminary. His wife, Judy, frequently accompanies him as they travel together ministering within the United States and throughout the world.

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