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Standard Chartered Bank



Standard Chartered | Indonesia


The Good Life: Lebih untung di tanggal 5, 15, dan 25,Perbanyak transaksi di mana pun setiap tanggal 5, 15, dan 25 setiap bulan dan dapatkan voucher BliBli.com hingga Rp750.000, Berinvestasi dengan Standard Chartered Bank, Cashback hingga 0.5% setiap pembelian Reksadana & Obligasi serta pengajuan Fasilitas Dana Cerukan (Overdraft) yang disetujui, Jadikan Jedi inspirasi bagi Anda., , Ajukan Kartu Kredit Standard Chartered,dapatkan 20 perjalanan gratis dengan Uber, Perjalanan Anda kini lebih nyaman dan terjangkau dengan kartu kredit Standard Chartered

Standard Chartered | Singapore


Unlimited Cashback Credit Card,No cashback cap and no minimum spend. Enjoy 1.5% cashback on all eligible spends., Our expertise, your opportunity to reach his goals., Get up to S$6,700 when you bring in fresh funds with Priority Banking and invest and insure from now till 30 June 2017., Inspire the Jedi within you, , Visa Infinite Credit Card, Earn up to 86,000 miles for an Economy Saver return ticket to any destination.



好伴厚礼,恭迎新户,信用卡新户礼遇, 背包套装或LEXON品牌20寸登机箱, 洞“视”先机,专业服务0距离!, 渣打视频银行正式上线!, 2017 里赏无界计划 精彩延续, 您与我们的每一刻,都值得收藏!每一次共同成长,都是一段无与伦比的美好。2017年,您与渣打的旅程,精彩正在延续。, 无担保个人贷款利率特惠, 申请无担保个人贷款,月利率低至1%,尽享专业便捷服务!

Standard Chartered | Malaysia


Your points and your rewards, multiplied with Visa Platinum. ,Get 5,000 bonus points every month with minimum RM1,500 monthly spend, 5x points on dining, department stores and overseas spend. , Introduce your friends and family to Priority Banking and be rewarded., From now till 30 June 2017, get rewards for you, your friends and family when you successfully refer a Priority client. , You’ve mastered success, now master your financial complexities, Wealth management handcrafted by each of your life stages. , Inspire the Jedi within you., Begin your savings journey with MyDream Account/MyDream Account-i and receive Star Wars limited edition collectibles.

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