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An exciting concept in paddlesport publications; aimed solely at the sea and touring kayak paddler and published six times a year by Paddle Press Media, Ocean Paddler’s 84 pages include trip and expedition reports, technique articles, reviews, guides, interviews and much, much more. All our articles inform, enthuse and excite today’s ocean paddler. Paddling on the sea covers many different elements; from day trips to overnight sojourns; from weekend to week-long paddles; from full-blown expeditions to short play sessions in surf or tidal races and all in conditions ranging from mild to wild and so do we... Beginners, intermediates, and experts alike revel in the coverage our publication brings to this amazing sport. Printed on the highest quality paper, all from sustainable sources, Ocean Paddler is a huge step forward from other kayaking magazines; there are, of course, other paddlesport publications covering sea kayaking, but only one, Ocean Paddler, presents the sport in the manner it so richly deserves. Through our determination to include only the very best content we have secured the exclusive services of the world’s best paddlesport wordsmiths and photographers, all of whom continue to be as excited about Ocean Paddler as we are!

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