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PhotoMedex - Delivering the Science of Skin Health. Innovatively. Globally.


PhotoMedex (Nasdaq:PHMD) offers the XTRAC excimer laser for dermatological applications such as psoriasis; Omnilux medical laser products and services; and Neova skin care technology for skin, hair and wound care.

Official Site for no!no! Hair Removal Devices


Over 6 million no!no! Hair removal devices have sold worldwide, making it the most popular selling beauty device using Thermicon Technology. Painlessly remove hair of any color, on any skin tone, with no pain. Our three hair removal devices all serve individual needs. MICRO is compact and best for face and delicate areas of the body. PRO is our most popular hair removal device in the no!no! Lineup and includes 3 treatment levels. ULTRA includes dynamic speed control and 3 separate treatment levels PLUS is compatible with 3 additional beauty tips for a full spa experience in the comfort of your home.

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