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Technology Test Record - MRINetwork


Technology Test Record - The Technology Test Record has been in use for testing MRINetwork Technology platforms since 2007. Berea was the, then current, home of the technology lead who created the record as a standard means to have a single record to test new and existing applications. Before the Technology Test Record was created, every technology and operations person had their own personal test record and it was difficult to remove those records' bogus data from network-wide reports. If you are a candidate or a client, and you happen to find this record we apologize. The settings are normally set to keep this record internal only. It may be publicly viewable only for a short period of time for testing.

International Recruiters. Experts in Global Search - MRINetwork - Experts in Global Search & Recruitment


Founded in 1965, MRINetwork has grown into one of the largest and most successful recruitment organizations in the world. With a full range of Permanent Placement options ranging from Retained or Contingency Search to Contract Staffing and Large-scale Project Search solutions, MRINetwork gives you the flexibility you want at the pace you demand.

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