
Website information and statistics (IP-50-63-10-205.IP.SECURESERVER.NET)

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dGenerate Films


dGenerate Films is the leading non-theatrical distributor of independent contemporary films from China. Our uncensored, award-winning films are selected for their artistic merit as well as their educational value. Films are available for purchase on DVD and VOD, as well as for exhibition rental and broadcast. dGenerate Films brings uncensored, unprecedented and visionary content from deep within mainland China's independent, and underground, film scene to the U.S. market. dGenerate Films recognizes that unauthorized films by China's post-Sixth Generation are the only true independent media in China today. We remain deeply committed to providing audiences with an unmediated look at life, as it's truly lived, inside the world's next superpower. Our site also contains the leading blog focused on independent Chinese cinema. It contains resources for enthusiasts, academics, and filmmakers interested in film from China. dGenerate Films: Distributing the finest in independent Chinese film today

Icarus Films


Distributing innovative and provocative documentary films from independent producers around the world.

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