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DMDSC - Home


Dr.Mohan’s DIABETES SPECIALITIES CENTRE(DMDSC) -A World Class centre for diabetes and associated complications Diabetes and associated complications contribute to an impaired quality of life and substantial disability. Therefore, complete diabetes care should mean close monitoring of all changes occurring in every organ of the body to reduce the severity of the disease. Established in September 1991, the Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre (DMDSC, at Gopalapuram, Chennai is one of ...aract surgery by Phacoemulsification are also conducted at the Institute. A well equipped operation theatre is available at the institute. Education of diabetic individuals is given prominence and regular individual and group sessions are conducted. DMDSC maintains electronic medical records of every patient with information on clinical and biochemical characteristics interlinked by a Local Area Network (LAN). DMDSC is the First Diabetes Centre in Asia to have fully computerized diabetes services

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