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The Temple Institute Store, Jerusalem Temple


SHALOM AND WELCOME to the official website of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE STORE in Jerusalem, Israel. The Temple Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, and the central role it fulfilled, in the spiritual wellbeing of both Israel and all the nations of the world. The Institute's work touches upon the history of the Holy Temple's past, an understanding of the present day, and the Divine promise of Israel's future. The Institute's activities include education, research, and development. The TEMPLE INSTITUTE STORE is located in an old stone building in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. In addition to our retails outlets we are manufacturers of the majority of our products, and can offer competetive prices for products manufactured in our production facility. Our products include books in English, hebrew and other languages, educational materials and resources, games and puzzles, models, pictures and posters, jewelry, judaica, gifts, incense, techelet and a lot more. We work with printing, leather binding, wood, metal, fabrics and more. Please contact us with any question by email. THANK YOU for visiting our on line store.

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