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Scandle Massage Candles


Experience the ultimate spa massage with the soothing effects of our skin massage candles. Unlike traditional candles, our all-natural massage candles melts into an luxurious, moisturizing, spa oil that remains soft on skin. Our massage candle melts a few degrees above body temperature. Simply light the candle, let it melt up to the edges of the canister.........then.....Blow it Out and Pour it On. Start using our Scandle Candles instead of traditional massage oils during massages, spa skin treatments, aromatherapy sessions, manicures and pedicures. We offer two different product lines: Aromatherapy Essentials made with pure essential oils, and our Originals made with fragrance oils. In addition to our Signature Body Massage Candles; Scandle also offers Dead Sea Salt Scrubs & Soaks, items for Manicures & Pedicures, and even essential oil foams to treat those sensitive areas.

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