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TCKid is a non-profit organization that serves the community of third culture kid (TCK) and cross culture kid (CCK) adults and youth across geographical boundaries. We also serve to inform the non-TCK and non-CCK, general public and those who serve this community.TCKid’s mission is to increase and support the individual and general awareness of the TCK experience and unique gifts by facilitating connection and community engagement. In existence now since 2008, TCKid has a community membership now of over 23,000 and grown to include local chapters around the world in addition to its central virtual community on TCKid.com. The birth and founder of TCKid.com has been featured on the BBC, ABC News, The Telegraph, the U.S Department of Defense and Education Week. Under it’s current CEO, Myra Dumapias, MSW, TCKid was incorporated in 2011 as a non-profit organization and became a 501(c)(3) public charity in November 2013.

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