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A total of 2 sites are hosted on
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Smith DNA Project -Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA - All Locations Worldwide


Smith DNA Project- The Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA is THE Smith One Name and DNA project for Smith, Schmidt, Smyth, Smythe, Smidt and all variations, for all locations worldwide in every country. We have the Smith One Name Study at Guild of One Name Studies (GOONS). The Smith Official DNA and One Name Smith Schmidt Smyth Smythe Smidt Project at FamilyTreeDNA- All Locations- is a master, global Smith genealogy project for Smiths to make connections through collaboration and compare famiiy genealogy data as well as DNA tests within the Smith, Smythe, Smyth and Schmidt surnames, including DNA.

Smith DNA Project -Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA - All Locations Worldwide


Smith DNA Project- The Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA is THE Smith One Name and DNA project for Smith, Schmidt, Smyth, Smythe, Smidt and all variations, for all locations worldwide in every country. We have the Smith One Name Study at Guild of One Name Studies (GOONS). The Smith Official DNA and One Name Smith Schmidt Smyth Smythe Smidt Project at FamilyTreeDNA- All Locations- is a master, global Smith genealogy project for Smiths to make connections through collaboration and compare famiiy genealogy data as well as DNA tests within the Smith, Smythe, Smyth and Schmidt surnames, including DNA.

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