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Home | iQor - Intelligent Customer Support & Outsourcing Solutions


iQor is a global provider of customer care and interactions, and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions. iQor specializes in providing data-driven, technology-empowered customer support and processing services. We're a value-added customer care provider of company and product support, emergency response, inbound and outbound sales, technical support, customer retention, order management, and up-sell/cross-sell. iQor supplies contact center analytics and services like customer analytics, business intelligence and scoring models. We're a non-voice IT enabled processing service that helps with cash application, data entry, deduction management, credit decisioning and chargebacks, and verification/reconciliation. iQor intervenes with 1st and 3rd party ARM services such as 1st party collections, 3rd party recovery, bankruptcy, invoicing and attorney services.

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