
Website information and statistics (ACROPORA.POMACANTHUSPUB.COM)

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Reefs.org: Where Reefkeeping Begins on the Internet - Welcome!


Reefs.org is an online interactive community dedicated to the education of marine aquarists worldwide. Established in 1997, Reefs.org continues to pioneer the format for online marine aquarist communities. Reefs.org believes an educated hobbyist is a conscientious, successful hobbyist. Our primary mission is the fostering of responsible hobbyists through education. We believe free and uncensored sharing of our collective knowledge and experiences is the engine that drives advancement for our hobby – and Reefs.org makes concerted efforts to nurture an environment conducive to this goal. Constructive inputs from our members are always welcomed. Reefs.org never forgets that it is our members that make our community possible.

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