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A total of 2 sites are hosted on
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Supreme Master Television - Constructive Programming for a Peaceful World


A new satellite channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, suprememastertv.com offers a range of sites including Words of Wisdom ,A Journey Through Aesthetic Realms,Vegetarianism-A Noble Way of Living , Between Master and Disciples,Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants,Enlightening Entertainment,Noteworthy News,MODELS OF SUCCESS, CINEMA SCENE,THE WORLD AROUND US,HEALTHY LIVING,PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME,GOOD PEOPLE,GOOD WORKS,SCIENCE &SPIRITUALITY,THE ESSENCE OF ANCIENT CULTURES,GREEN COUNTRIES,COUNTRIES WITHOUT DEATH PENALTY,COUNTRIES WITHOUT BORDERS,PEACE NEWS,GOLDEN HEARTS OF THE YEAR,AWARD OF THE MONTH,COUNTRIES WITH NO ARMY,ANIMAL HEROES for better world.

Supreme Master Television - Constructive Programming for a Peaceful World


A new satellite channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, suprememastertv.com offers a range of sites including Words of Wisdom ,A Journey Through Aesthetic Realms,Vegetarianism-A Noble Way of Living , Between Master and Disciples,Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants,Enlightening Entertainment,Noteworthy News,MODELS OF SUCCESS, CINEMA SCENE,THE WORLD AROUND US,HEALTHY LIVING,PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME,GOOD PEOPLE,GOOD WORKS,SCIENCE &SPIRITUALITY,THE ESSENCE OF ANCIENT CULTURES,GREEN COUNTRIES,COUNTRIES WITHOUT DEATH PENALTY,COUNTRIES WITHOUT BORDERS,PEACE NEWS,GOLDEN HEARTS OF THE YEAR,AWARD OF THE MONTH,COUNTRIES WITH NO ARMY,ANIMAL HEROES for better world.

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