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A total of 12 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Homeschool Help - 7sistershomeschool.com


Homeschool Curriculum and blog posts from veteran homeschool moms with 20+ years of experience! Mostly High School - Mostly FUN! Practical Homeschool Help!

First Baptist Church of Gray Gables —


A Place Where Christ Centered Preaching, Worship, and Fellowship Unite Together

The oppressed by Kareem Kamal El Gazzar


He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth but from a very young age he suffered deeply from his mental illness to the degree that he couldn't function at all in his life, until the day had come and he had to step up for his illness. The oppressed is a really disturbed man where he felt his illness once he was a child, then because of some tough family circumstances such as his mother affair after his father's death, he really got disturbed and started to search for a meaning to his life. Then he was hospitalized by his mother to free for herself the need to practice her affair with the killer of his father. He was tortured in the mental illness hospital by electric shots were these electric shots gave some special powers that he will use in his future life. Here are the adventures of the oppressed.

Miriam Hendeles



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