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Registered British White Cattle - the ancient polled Park Cattle of the British Isles


Texas British White Cattle Breeder - British White Cattle ranch in East Texas breeding for excellence in Grassfed British White cattle. All cattle dual registered with the BWCAA and the American British White Park Cattle Association. British White cattle are an ancient polled breed, long revered for their beauty, gentle disposition, and beef quality. This British White Cattle Ranch in SouthEast Texas is raising registered British White replacement heifers, bulls, and seedstock cows. British White cattle are noted for outstanding Fertility, Longevity, Milkiness, Calving Ease, Disposition, and Carcass. This Texas British White site offers indepth research into the history of the polled British White cow and the horned White Park breed, both referred to as Park cattle, White Forest cattle, Wild White Cattle, and White Park Cattle over the lapse of centuries of breeding and adoration by British White cattle breeders.

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