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Automotive and Heavy Duty 6,12,24,36,48 Volt DC Electrical Components


Automotive and Heavy Duty DC Electrical Components,6 , 12, 36, and 48 Volt Circuit Breakers, we carry many types of specialty Relays 12 & 24 Volt,Battery Disconnect switches, custom made battery cables to your specifications,custom made speedometer cable & housing assembles made to your specifications. We also offer many types of electrical Terminals, Heat Shrink and Split Loom for your wiring needs. alternators, starters,gear reduction starters for street rods high performance engines.Alternators and Starters rebuilt,custom rebuilding alternators and starter, texas industrial electric company is a repair oriented facility,alternator & starter repairing,Automotive electrical supplies gear reduction starter for street rods and high performance cars.

Pioneer Flight Museum


The Pioneer Flight Museum (PFM) was established for people just like you. Registered as a non-profit corporation 501(c)3 in the State of Texas, the primary function of the PFM is to bring together people who share the same passion for the pioneer days and the golden age of aviation at a living history museum featuring vintage aircraft that actually fly.

Texas Daytripper



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