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Clemson University Art prints, Civil war art prints, Buffalo Soldier art prints: Allens' Creations, Inc. - Frame & Art Gallery features one of the most complete collections of limited edition prints on the web - subjects and artists include: Clemson Art, Clemson Prints, Clemson Art Prints, Clemson Tiger Prints, Clemson Tiger Art, Clemson Diploma Frames, Clemson Diploma Framing, Clemson University Art, Clemson University Pritns, Clemson University Tiger Art, Clemson University Tiger Prints, the American Civil War, African American Buffalo Soldiers, Revolutionary War, Don Troiani, Don Stivers, Mort Kunstler, Dale Gallon, Rick Reeves, Keith Rocco, John Paul Strain, Robert Summers, William McGrath, Steve Jordan, Doug Shealey, Bev Doollittle, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredricksburg, the Irish Brigade, Pickett's Charge, Robert E. Lee, A. P. Hill, Nathan Bedford Forrest, J.E.B. Stuart, Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, Joshua Chamberlain, 20th Maine, 1st Texas, Atlanta, Columbia, Clemson, Clemson University Tigers, Clemson Tigers, Bengal Tigers, Tillman Hall, Death Valley, Frank Howard, Perry Tuttle, Civil War Prints, Don Stivers, Buffalo Soldiers, African American art prints, Don Troiani, U. S. Colored Troops


Allens' Creations, Inc. - Frame & Art Gallery features one of the most complete collections of limited edition Civil War, African-American Buffalo Soldier, and Clemson University prints on the web. Located in Clemson, S.C. (U.S.A.) home of the Clemson University Fighting Tigers.

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