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Best Electric Shaver 2015 - Reviews and Specs


Electric shavers aren't for everyone. There, I said it. For sure, some guys (and women, too) are forever bonded to their manual razors. More power to them, so to speak. But for me and millions more an electric provides values that can't be matched by a manual razor.

Best Rated Bread Machines 2015


While it might seem a little odd to some, I think there are pretty good reasons to be passionate about bread makers. If you love great, homemade bread I'm sure you will be, too.

Best Rated Air Purifiers 2015 - Reviews and Ratings


Home air purifiers are not so well known as, say, your favorite cell phone or computer. Luckily, it doesn't take much time to get up to speed on what you need to know before buying a top rated air purifier.

Best Rated Kitchen Faucets 2015


Maybe I'm weird but I get excited seeing a great new kitchen faucet design. The source of that enthusiasm is a combination of things involving style, function, features, and reliability.

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