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Wine Match wine ratings match your taste red wine


WineMatch is a consumer-centric and winery-sensitive Winery-to-Consumer (W2C) sell-through model. We provide the highest free quality searches with the most data on wine available today! We were born out of a need to find the right wine, simply and quickly. We utilize multiple tasters, ISO black glasses, a wine chemistry lab and data provided by the winery to provide each wine with a unique 'wine fingerprint'. We then utilize technology to help consumers find wines that match closely with wines they have already enjoyed for free! We automatically notify consumers when they have wine matches, deals or events of wineries that they tell us they love by selecting their wines as a favorite! WineMatch displays the major characteristics of wine to give a more objective view of wine, so consumers can see what the 'fingerprint' looks like of the wine they like. We present real data in an easy to interpret format without the use of an often-confusing current number-based rating system. We try to keep it simple language, and not trying to confuse you with descriptors like asphalt and pencil shavings, or arguing the point of blackberry versus black raspberry. We use simple words like fruit, instead of trying to nail it down to a specific kind of fruit, as one person will taste one thing and another will taste something different, but they could both likely agree on the amount of fruit.

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