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Dual Citizenship, 2Nd Passports, Second Citizenship Programs


Dual citizenship, 2nd passports or second citizenship programs refer to the economic citizenship concept. Under these Second citizenship programs, dual citizenship is gained by naturalization and get 2nd passports. Dual citizenship under second passports programs grant a 2nd passport. Second citizenship is regulated. Some countries do not observe the dual citizenship and others request renunciation of their citizenship if a second citizenship or dual citizenship and second passport is being acquired or an application for a second passport is being made. Other countries on the other hand accept dual citizenship as well as multiple citizenships. Having a second citizenship and second passport. Dual citizenship can be acquired through adoption or registration. Normally there are residency requirements that must be met in order acquire a second citizenship through naturalization. Britain has a graduate program after which a resident may have dual citizenship. This second citizenship program in the UK caters only for British university graduates who after years of residency can acquire a second citizenship.

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