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FeverClan | Gaming Community


FeverClan has been established since 2007; We are a Mature Massive Multi-Gaming Clan with over 1,400+ members in our ranks and thousands of guests per day visiting our teamspeak and website. Our #1 goal is to bring a fun environment to our members and guests whether they decide to join us or not. We have dozen's of games that we play and have multiple Squads(pro to semi-pro teams) throughout our ranks, while the majority of our Members are casual gamer's we do support and encourage competitive play. On an average day our TeamSpeak 3 server has a minimum of 80 members roaming the channel's and looking for new people to socialize and game, as we are a Fever Family here and connections are a big priority for our Members. Our Officer Staff numbers over a hundred to answer any questions members or guests alike may have, as well as solve any issues or problems that may arise. We hope that you enjoy visiting our website and will eventually join us on our TeamSpeak 3 Server (Ts.FeverClan.com) to participate in our quest of bringing fun to the whole world through close nit gaming and comradery.

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