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Androidlet, The J Maker; RhinoDino Software


Androidlet, The J Maker; RhinoDino Software

Alchemy Works Oils, Incense, Herbs and Seeds for Magic


Whether you practice witchcraft, ritual magic, or simply enjoy unusual incense, oils, herbs, and seeds, you will find something here of interest. All of our products have traditionally played a role in ancient or modern Earth-based spirituality (Paganism) and magic; many are traditionally used in witchcraft and sorcery . You can learn how to create a spiritual garden, which plants are linked to which planets or aspects of the divine, and how each botanical has been used in a spiritual context, be it spells, rituals, or worship. The informational links can show you paths to further develop your wortcunning. As a practitioner of magic and a long-time gardener, I have a lot of experience with herbs and am happy to help you select the right plant material for rituals and spiritual purposes.

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