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Background Check - Instant Background Checks in 3 Easy Steps


A background check is basically a report on an individual. It can include criminal history, financial history, education history, public records, or a combination of these things. With a thorough background check, you can get a better picture of an individual's past and patterns. It's a common tool used by employers and individuals to ensure that those you hire or let into your home are worthy of your trust. In fact, 73% of organizations conduct criminal background checks on all job candidates, according to survey results from the Society for Human Resource Management. In addition, it can be a great way to determine whether or not hiring a certain applicant is a good investment for your business. For example, you can conduct a background check that looks into an applicant's driving record if you want to hire someone for a position where they'll be spending a lot of time behind the wheel. Some background checks are mandatory, such as for government workers and [...]

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