
Website information and statistics

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

UHC - A Proud Member of the Ontario Association of Help Centres - Unemployed Help Centre


The Unemployed Help Centre has been providing various programs/services to address the specific needs of unemployed adults since 1977. These include but are not exclusive to employment/educational/career counselling; effective job search techniques; resumes and cover letters; pre-employment training programs; on-the-job training programs; literacy; Resource Centre for self conducted job searching & emergency food assistance. We are a community-based agency, governed by a Board of Directors. We are funded through: federal, provincial & municipal government grants, the United Way as a member agency, private donations, the Windsor and District Labour Council and our own fundraising activities.

The Official Home of The Bogey Golf Tour


A premier amateur tour for the average golfer that looks and feels just like the PGA.

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