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Big Government Articles - Breitbart


Big government is a term used by conservatives to describe a government that has too much power over others. It can also mean that some government polices can be too involved in the aspects of one’s life, personally and financially. Many believe that one of the worst aspects of it is how they do or do not provide quality services like roads, healthcare, or emergency care. Another aspect of that idea has to do with taxation, public spending and central political power. Slogans including the term “big government” have been gaining popularity on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. Most of those are written by conservative action groups in call-to-action type announcements.

Breitbart TV Articles - Breitbart


Breitbart TV is the home of the hottest video on politics, world events, culture, and media.

Breitbart News Network


Syndicated news and opinion website providing continuously updated headlines to top news and analysis sources.

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