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Financial Assistance - Housing Assistance for Single Mothers


These days’ single moms are having more and more trouble finding affordable housing. Some luck out, and find an inexpensive place to stay. But, unfortunately, more often than not single moms and their children find themselves homeless. If you and your kids ever do find yourself in this situation, there are a lot of women’s [...]So you decided to stop sending endless resumes to countless job sites without ever receiving a response or having a generic courtesy email sent to you, it’s exhausting and not to mention discouraging. This time you’re taking matters into your own hands and decide to become your own entrepreneur and start your own business. If [...]Cars for single moms can be the key factor in which a single mom can find and keep a job. Of course if you live in a large city, public transportation would be your best option. Even so, commuting via bus or subway with a baby stroller is not the easiest thing to do (believe [...]As of March 2010, Social Security has added Adds 38 New Compassionate Allowance Conditions to American with disabilities. Social Security has an obligation to you and your family to provide benefits for people who have severe medical conditions that obviously meet disability standards. Commissioner of Social Security,Michael J. Astrue, announced the agency has added 38 [...]How to get out of credit card debt is one of the biggest concerns for a single mom these days. While there’s no quick fix, there is hope, and we’re here to advise you how you can be debt free sooner than you think. 1. You need to realize that paying with a credit card [...]

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