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Welcome to PKMG


P.K. Management Group, Inc. (PKMG) is a national real estate management company with extensive experience in managing, preserving and maximizing property values for public and private clients. Since its inception in 2005, the firm has performed as both a Prime Contractor for Federal agencies and operated as a subcontractor to various government and private sector Prime Contractors. PKMG, an 8(a) certified company, currently serves as a Prime HUD Management and Marketing Program (M&M III) Field Service Manager Contractor in Areas 2A (FL, GA, AL, MS, PR, and USVI) and 1S (AZ, NV, and ID). PKMG also serves as subcontractor under the M&M III Program, providing quality control, property inspection, and environmental services to an additional portfolio of HUD homes across 38 states. Recently, PKMG has been awarded Prime Contracts by HUD, FDIC, and USDA based on the strength of its experience of providing superior real estate management and preservation services to Federal government agencies. In addition, PKMG continues to expand its client base to provide property management and preservation services to banks, mortgage servicers, and Government Agencies. PKMG also serves the demand for property management and leasing services. We have the personnel and resources to manage assets for institutional investors with large number of diverse real estate holdings. Perhaps the best reason for considering PKMG for property management and preservation needs is our personal level of service. All calls are answered by experienced, professional staff that provides prompt response and resolution to every request. PKMG has maintained steady growth based mainly on our ability to deliver a wide variety of property management and preservation services in a timely, quality focused manner.

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