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Shaw Air Force Base Guide and Directory


The Shaw Air Force Base Newcomers Guide contains extensive information about Shaw AFB provided by the Public Affairs office including: In Processing, Lodgin, Housing, Support & Family Services, Medical, Education, Base History, Units & Associate unit information, Base Maps and Quick Reference Phone numbers. The Shaw Air Force Base Newcomers guide is a contracted publication ideally designed to welcome incoming personnel and visitors with base telephone numbers, base information, and base maps.

Eglin Air Force Base Guide


The Eglin Air Force Base Newcomers Guide contains extensive information about Eglin AFB provided by the Public Affairs office including: In Processing, Lodgin, Housing, Support & Family Services, Medical, Education, Base History, Units & Associate unit information, Base Maps and Quick Reference Phone numbers. The Eglin Air Force Base Newcomers guide is a contracted publication ideally designed to welcome incoming personnel and visitors with base telephone numbers, base information, and base maps.

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