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New Humanist


New Humanist is a quarterly magazine published by the Rationalist Association, a historic 125-year-old UK charity promoting science, reason, humanism, and free thought. Visit to learn more about our work and find links to the latest and very best news, essays, blogs and information from the world's finest free thinking authors. Writers and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Laurie Taylor, Mary Midgley, Michael Bywater, Marilynne Robinson, Philip Pullman, Ricky Gervais, Noam Chomsky and many more.

New Humanist


New Humanist is a quarterly magazine published by the Rationalist Association, a historic 125-year-old UK charity promoting science, reason, humanism, and free thought. Visit to learn more about our work and find links to the latest and very best news, essays, blogs and information from the world's finest free thinking authors. Writers and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Laurie Taylor, Mary Midgley, Michael Bywater, Marilynne Robinson, Philip Pullman, Ricky Gervais, Noam Chomsky and many more.

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