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The Red Lotus Hand and Foot Spa


Red Lotus is a luxurious and modern nail spa specializing in natural nails. We constantly strive to provide outstanding service and high quality, natural and organic products to our clients. Please unwind and relax while our staff serve you some delightful Oriental Herbal tea.The surroundings will add to your overall relaxation and help instil a sense of well being during your well deserved treatment. Our experienced staffs are skilled in the art of professional hand and foot care. This is coupled with the auyevedic influenced massage techniques which accompany certain treatments.

The Red Lotus Hand and Foot Spa


Red Lotus is a luxurious and modern nail spa specializing in natural nails. We constantly strive to provide outstanding service and high quality, natural and organic products to our clients. Please unwind and relax while our staff serve you some delightful Oriental Herbal tea.The surroundings will add to your overall relaxation and help instil a sense of well being during your well deserved treatment. Our experienced staffs are skilled in the art of professional hand and foot care. This is coupled with the auyevedic influenced massage techniques which accompany certain treatments.

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