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Where Density and Fineness Combine - Home


Piñon Pacas - Edgewood, NM. Where Density and Fineness Combine. We specialize in helping new alpaca breeders to realize their dreams and more established breeders to add quality bloodlines to their foundation herds. We are a full-service alpaca business offering; alpaca education, alpaca consulting, alpaca boarding, alpaca herdsire service, alpaca financing, alpacas for sale including, herdsires, bred females, open females, junior herdsires and fiber and companion alpacas. We can assist you with designing your ranch layout, show you how to perform alpaca husbandry activities such as trimming toe nails, giving shots, trimming teeth, and shearing fiber. Another area we can help with is developing a breeding program and providing direction on alpaca neonatal care. We specialize in quality huacaya alpacas that have fine and dense fleece with proper conformation. We have a variety of colors, including white, beige, fawns, browns, grays, blacks and fancy patterns. We offer full reproductive and live cria birth warranties on all of our breeding stock. We offer special sales and easy long-term financing with fixed interest rates on alpaca breeding stock.

Díaz Koontz Business Services, Inc. - Home


Díaz Koontz Business Services, Inc. - PENSACOLA, FL. We are always here for you!

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