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Quinta do Gradil - Sociedade Vitivin�cola, SA


Quinta do Gradil has a long and rich history, which can be traced back in the 18th century. In the finest terroir of the Lisbon wine region the magnificent palace is surrounded by more than 120ha of vineyards, from the best national and international grape varieties. The experience of the past together with the most advanced technology is reflected in the wines from Quinta do Gradil.

Cooking and Nature - Emotional Hotel


Uma serra como pano de fundo, a abraçar um vale encantado onde se esconde um hotel muito especial. Um sítio onde as emoções fluem dentro e fora de portas. Onde as cores e as texturas se misturam, onde os sons dos pássaros e do vento percorrem lentamente a nossa pele e nos convidam a relaxar!

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