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A total of 4 sites are hosted on
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Welcome // Payments Awards


The Payments Awards recognise card and payments excellence and innovation.

Charity Times: The leading Third Sector title for Charity Chief Executives and Managers


Charity Times is the most-widely read UK charity magazine and internet site, offering comprehensive coverage of the financial, business and fundraising management issues facing the sector. It focuses on a wide range of professional areas including management, fundraising, politics, investment, technology, the internet, marketing, banking, accounting and law. It contains advice, information, and news from business experts and leading figures in the charity sector to make Charity Times essential reading for every professional in both large and small voluntary groups who want to keep up to speed with all the latest developments. The principal readership of Charity Times is made up of the following categories: finance director/manager, chief executive/chairman, general manager, managing director, treasurer, fundraising director/manager, marketing director/manager, IT director/manager, development officer, and other relevant specialist departmental managers. From the following types of organisation: charities, voluntary organisations, trusts, healthcare organisations, religious bodies, educational establishments, foundations, institutes and associations.




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