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The Sunshine Factory Tanning| Voted #1 in Greenville, NC


The Sunshine Factory is the premier tanning salon in Greenville, North Carolina. Located on the edge of East Carolina University campus (ECU), The Sunshine Factory is just a short, easy walk from the dorms. Voted as the number one tanning salon in Greenville, we truly take tanning to the next level. We offer six different types of state of the art tanning beds from Ergoline and Soltron, including basic 20 minute beds, 15 minute beds, 12 minute stand up booth, 15 minute high intensity beds with high pressure facial tanner, 12 minute turbo power beds with adjustable high pressure facial tanners, 12 minute 360 High Pressure tanning and UV-Free Mystic Tan. The Sunshine Factory is the place to tan in Greenville. Walk-ins welcome all day long and with 24 beds under one roof there's always something available! We carry a wide variety of indoor tanning lotions from Designer Skin, Cal Tan, Australian Gold and Devoted Creations. Whether you need to get tan fast or maintain your summer glow, The Sunshine Factory is the best place to tan in Greenville.

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