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Welcome to Next Student - College Funding and Repayment Made Simple!


NextStudent provides a comprehensive solution for both Federal and Private repayment by creating a unique and integrated plan for each borrower. This plan takes maximum advantage of Federal Consolidation, competitive Private Refinance, and all available Federal student loan forgiveness plans. To accomplish this, NextStudent has created a suite of proprietary and powerful tools. These tools allow users to thoroughly analyze every loan option for loan repayment, based upon a borrower's current loans and all available products. When a Federal Consolidation is required, NextStudent's unique and powerful Federal Direct Consolidation repayment and forgiveness calculator and document creation software shows every plan and completes all required documents. After using this tool, a borrower fully understands all eight repayment options. When Private Refinancing is required for some, or all of a borrower's loans, NextStudent's PowerCalc quickly strategizes the borrowers strongest options. To help the borrower make informed decisions, NextStudent allows borrowers to automatically download their Federal loans and provides a clear and simple to understand report.

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